Sunday, May 21, 2006

How to dispose of 33 geese

Let's say you are given a thirty-three dead geese and you cut them up for jerky and whatever else. Once your done with them, how should you dispose of the carcuses? Well as one local guy found out, dumping them in the woods near a foot path and a tot lot is going to cost you.

Okay, I can accept that the guy made a bad choice or even that he's just stupid, but there's one thing that really got my ire. According to the Examiner article this clown says he is an outdoorsman and is "active in his local Boy Scout troop." If that's true, either the Scouts have gone downhill since I was a teen or he really wasn't paying attention. One of the clearest injunctions I remember from my days in Scouting is

Take only pictures, leave only footprints.

This guy definately needs to learn that phrase.


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