Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Local Candidates Support State-sponsored Theft

According to this article, the two Democrats for the District 2 seat on the Howard County Council both support the use of eminent domain to take property to revitalize the Route 1 corridor.
Democrat Adam Sachs, a candidate for the District 2 seat, said eminent domain could help the County Council purchase property along downtrodden parts of Route 1 in Elkridge, Jessup and Savage for revitalization.

Still, “it should be used sparingly,” he said at Thursday’s District 2 candidate forum at the East Columbia Library.

“But there could be some benefit, if it’s just vacant lots or abandoned buildings.”

Incumbent Democrat Calvin Ball said he didn’t like the idea of seizing a citizen’s property to give to a business interest, but that the council shouldn’t rule out using any options at its disposal.

“In the event that we haven’t planned properly or there is some massive rezoning that goes on, that’s a possible tool,” Ball said Sunday.

Sorry, guys, but that's the wrong answer, because that's theft. And despite what the Supreme Court may have said in the Kelo, taking someone's property away from them against their will is theft and un-Constitutional, unless it is for "public use" (which is the exact wording of the Constitution, not "public benefit").

On the bright side, the Republican opponent, Gina Ellrich, for the District 2 seat appears to understand this concept.

“I think there’s nothing wrong with revitalizing our community,” she said. “But I do have a problem to allow the government to take people’s property for less than market value. I would not be in favor of that. People should be able to sell their property if they want or not sell their property.”

And we're also fortunate to have Allan Kittleman representing part of Howard County in the State Senate. I just wish it was my part of the County.


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